Friday, February 6, 2015

Super Bowl XLIX Reaction

   "Uncharacteristically cool and calm," claims Sports Illustrated journalist Greg Bedard, as he praises Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. During Superbowl XLIX last weekend, The New England Patriots had all odds set against them all through the second half. This was the game where all of the controversial reports and allegations would be set to rest. Thankfully, during the final quarter of the game, the team came together to pull of a victory. Many sports teams have done this before, and it feels great to know all of your hard work has paid off. For example, Norton girls indoor track and field has acquired their best record this year for the season. The team knew they would win every single meet as long as they beat Hopkinton. There was just one problem for the girls, Hopkinton had not lost in over nine years with a record of 144 straight wins. The team was working their hardest, but was unfortunately down a few points. The only way they could win the meet was if they swept high jump. Hopkinton has a very good high jump team, but Norton was knew they had to prove themselves. The girls came together in a time of need and preformed their very best, They did just what was needed to be done to win and the meet ended in triumph. To have a game or match that is so intense and deep that the players and spectators are invested until the very last play is amazing. The girls of Norton track and field certainly did not win the Superbowl, but the rush of a hard fought win is truly inspiring. All teams should strive for victories like these because the feeling of winning will never get old.
Image result for new england patriots

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